  • Name

    Structural properties of AlGaN/GaN/AlN nanowires grown on Si and GaN/Al2O3 substrates

  • Associated with

    Wrocław University of Science and Technology

  • Date

    Jan 2020 - Jun 2022


E. Zielony, R. Szymon, A. Wierzbicka, A. Reszka, M. Sobańska, Z.R. Zytkiewicz


♣ III Students’ Exact Science Conference "Hoborski's days- exact science festival on the AGH' 14.11.2020 (the awarded presentation)
♣ National Scientific Conference "NANO Direction - research and achievements in the field of nanotechnology" 27.11.2020
♣ V Students' Physical-Optical Conference FOKA 11-13.12.2020
♣ V Students' Conference "Nanotechnology in the face of the expectations of the 21st century 22.05.2021
♣ XXII International Student Scientific Session Materials and Technologies of the 21st century 28.05.2021
♣ National Scientific Conference „Science and Young Researchers” – 5th edition 05.06.2021
♣ 7th Symposium for Young Scientists 2021 30.08-03.09.2021 (the awarded presentation)
♣ 49th International School & Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors "Jaszowiec 2021" 1-10.09.2021
♣ XIV Copernican doctoral seminar 20-22.09.2021 (the awarded presentation)
♣ XXI National Electronics Conference 05.06.2022 (the awarded presentation)
♣ XV Copernican Doctoral Seminar 22.06.2022 (the awarded presentation)
♣ European Materials Research Society, Fall Meeting, 23.09.2023