  • Name

    Characterisation of structural and electrical properties of Zn(Cd)O-based nanostructures grown on Si substrates

  • Associated with

    Wrocław University of Science and Technology

  • Date

    Jun 2021 - Jun 2023


R. Szymon, E. Zielony, A. Lysak, M.A. Pietrzyk


♣ National Scientific Conference "NANO Direction - research and achievements in the field of nanotechnology" 25.11.2021
♣ The National Scientific Conference "Knowledge - Key to Success" - 6th edition 22.01.2022
♣ 14th Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference TYGIEL 24.03.2022
♣ VI National Science Conference "Nanotechnology in the face of the expectations of the 21st century" 21.05.2022
♣ XV Copernican Doctoral Seminar 22.06.2022
♣ European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, Strasburg 29-03.05.2023
♣ 51th International School and Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors „Jaszowiec 2023” in Szczyrk 17-23.06 2023